Saturday, July 25, 2015

Jews Without Money by Michael Gold

Originally published in 1930,Jews Without Money is a semi- autobiographical novel by political activist Michael Gold (Itzok Isaac Granich).

Illustrated with woodcuts by Howard Simon, the book describes growing up on the 
impoverished Lower East Side.

 "Flies, bedbugs, sick cats, sunstruck horses, men and women, and busy saloons and street circus--Summer.

"In the maelstrom of wagons, men, pushcarts, street cars and East Side garbage, the mothers calmly wheeled their baby carriages. They stopped in the shade of the Elevated trains, to suckle their babies with big sweaty breasts."  

"A man on an East Side soap-box, one night, proclaimed that out of the despair, melancholy and helpless rage of millions, a world movement had been born to abolish poverty. 

"I listened to him.

"O workers' revolution, you brought hope to me, a lonely, suicidal boy. You are the true Messiah. You will destroy the East Side when you come, and build there a garden for the human spirit.

"O Revolution, that forced me to think. to struggle and to live."

The Lower East Side:

Bowery Alliance

Lower East Side History Project

Lower East Side Preservation Initiative

Cezar Del Valle is the author of the Brooklyn Theatre Index, a three-volume history of borough showplaces. The first two volumes chosen 2010 OUTSTANDING BOOK OF THE YEAR by the Theatre Historical Society. Final volume published in  September 2014.

He conducts a series of popular theatre talks and walking tours.

Now selling on Etsy.


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